Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hello Vancouver!

Nearly two years ago, I started the application process for the Olympics and now, I have finally arrived. I spent most of the day travelling, leaving Ottawa at 9:45 in the morning and arriving in Vancouver at 3:30pm (6:30 EST). I had window seats on both planes and the skies were clear most of the way. I was not able to see much over Ontario but had lovely views over the prairie provinces and over the Rockie Mountains. It was really stunning to see the peaks and valleys and to see how the clouds had settled into some of the valleys despite the skies being clear else where.

I was really surprised though when we made our approach into Vancouver. Having lived in the San Francisco Bay area for a year and a half, and having flown in and out of there numerous times, I was expecting the same sort of terrain. In California, the mountains cascade right into the ocean and the cities along the coast are very hilly. Everyone is well aware of the hills in San Francisco! The Vancouver area sits at the mouth of the Fraser River and the Valley is really very flat. There are hills in the area but nothing like what I had been expecting.

My friend, Debbie, met me at the airport and we drove into town to meet her husband, Nelson. We all took the Skytrain right downtown and I was able to really see the impact that the Olympics have had on the city. There are flags and banners everywhere, all of the Skytrains have been plastered with Olympic logos, and there are large white tents and fences everywhere. We walked along the seawall and I saw the distinctive Canada Place with the highly recognizable sails as the roof. Alas, in my jetlagged state, I had left my camera in the van so I have no photos to show from my first day. Rest assured that my camera will be in my handbag from now on!

1 comment:

All Things Gay said...

Sounds like a wonderful start to an amazing experience! Looking forward to reading more. And seeing pictures. :-) Isn't the Skytrain awesome?

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