Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Another trip to Whistler and another Victory Ceremony

I drove a couple of the Panasonic executives up to Whistler again today. It was pouring rain for most of the trip up and then it turned to snow by the time we got to the Olympic Park. My guests wanted to see the different venues up here so we started with the ski jumps and then went over to the Cross-Country venue.There were all sorts of dignitaries there including the King of Norway, the King and Queen of Sweden, and John Furlong, the CEO of VANOC (okay, so maybe he's not a dignitary but he is a VIP at the Olympics!). I also caught a glimpse of the skiing, the 4x10km relay.

We did a drive-by of the biathlon site and then my guests did a quick tour of the Whistler Olympic Village. We then drove to Whistler Village where they did a quick tour and then on to Creekside to watch some of the Women's Super G. Since I had already watched some of the downhill here the other day, I headed to the workforce break area to watch the sports on tv and get a hot coffee. I was sitting at the table near the door when a man walked in and shook the hand of the man next to me, and then he shook my hand. I thought he was just a friendly man introducing himself until I looked at his accreditation and realized that it was John Furlong. He was thanking us, the volunteers, for all of our work at the games! That was certainly a nice surprise for me.

In the evening, Nelson, Debbie, Cathie, Geoff, and I all met up for the Victory Ceremonies.This time, we were able to see Clara Hughes get her bronze medal for the speed skating. No anthem for us this time but another medal is great. We also found out during the ceremony that the Canadian women had won the silver and gold medals in bobsled!

The band tonight was SO much better than last night - INXS has a new lead singer who is from Ontario, hence the reason they are playing on Ontario Celebration night. They played a bunch of songs that I did not recognize but also some of the classics such as Need you Tonight and New Sensation. It was a great concert and we all had a lot of fun.I have also picked up a couple of tickets to Newfoundland night with Great Big Sea and Debbie and Nelson are going to that. I have a volunteer party that evening so I will be enjoying myself elsewhere.

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